3.2.3 Artikels (NL)&articles (EN)&articulos (ESP)
Articles traduits en langue étrangère: Artikels (NL)&articles (EN)&articulos (ESP)
Twee artikels in het Nederlands (NL)
1. Kinderen met een goede seksuele gezondheid
Het is een hoofdstuk van het boek Ook kinderen hebben een lichaam, Lannoo, 2007
Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft het seksuele leven van kinderen met een goede geestelijke gezondheid
2. Onze kinderen en de schok van het massaterrorisme Reflectie op de trauma's ervaren door kinderen, getuigen of in de buurt van terrorisme in de wereld
Articles published in English (ENG)
A. The first is about: The history of the discovery and promotion of child mental health
I wrote it to be edited by the IACAPAP ( International association of child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions ), in 2010. It constitutes the chapter XIII, 281-302 in the collective book Increasing awareness of child and adolescent mental health (E.Garralda and J.-P. Raynaud editors), ) IACAPAP, Jason Aronson publisher, Maryland.In the article, I first define what is child mental health, then I describe the elements that contribue to establish it. I go on to outline the reference models that form the basis of programmes aimed at promoting child mental health, and then review a number of categories. The article ends by summarising the history of child and adolescent psychiatry and child mental health.
In 2010, Jane Costello, M D has made a review of the whole book for the American Journal of Psychiatry. Shr specifically has referred to the chapter that I wrote, and I can not resist pleasure of informing you about her opinion: "..... In particular, Jean-Yves Hayez's chapter"An Historical Approach to the Discovery and Promotion of ChildMental Health" may well open the eyes of psychiatrists recently trained in the United States and in the United Kingdom to thestrength of other therapeutic traditions...' Thank you, Jane!
B The second is about :. A case of brotherly incest treated by therapy on line
It describes the heart of psychotherapy of an adolescent ( 17 years ) who had had an incestuous relationship with his sister a year younger for six years. Both were consenting. It also shows the psychotherapeutic use that has been made of a d a webcam and instant web messaging.
C. the third is about: A national response to paedophilia and child murder
It has been published in the Journal Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 2000, 5-3, 427-437.
In August 1996, Belgium was deeply shocked to learn about rape and murder of several young girls by paedophiles. In the wake of these events, the Belgian population displayed symptoms of collective emotional shock and bereavement. We endeavoured to come to terms with these feelings as a community. We immediately sent an open letter to all children, which was published in the country's main newspapers. We then organized a group debriefing on national television on a very popular children's programme. This article deals mainly with the processes involved in this debriefing session. Further complications later developed involving, among others, abused children and their families. In order to help them, in addition to individual interventions, we again used the press and radio and TV programmes. When the population eventually began to emerge from the shock and bereavement, we acted to prevent excesses by, among other things, writing an « open letter to child abusers »
Articulos escrittos en español (ESP)
A. Ser psicoterapeutos y psicoterapias
Ser psicoterapeuta
La psicoterapia con jóvenes adolescentes. Testimonio clínico.
El terapeuta, las reglas y las Leyes Naturales
Secretos de familia, confidencialidad y terapias
El niño, su vida sexual y su psicoterapeuta
B. Sexualidad
La sexualidad actuada por los niños y los adolescentes.
La sexualida sufrida - Parte I - Descripcion clinica y factores etiopatogenicos
sexualida sufrida - parte II - Tratamiento de los menores victimas y de su familia.
La culpabilidad sexual en niños y adolescentes
La culpabilidad vivida por los menores autores o vicitmas de abuso y por los que actuan una sexualidad sana, "normal; su toma a cargo por los adultos
Javier y el incesto en el grupo fraterno
Descripción de la psicoterapia de un adolescente, coautor de un incesto fraterno; terapia principalmente a través de Internet
C. Traumatismo
Los niños victimas de agresion : manejo del estado post-traumatico
Un suicidio e intervenciones en crisis
la guerra en ucrania: hablar de ella con los niños pequeños
D. Tematicas diversas
Miedos, ansiedades y angustias en niños y adolescentes.
La personalidad actualmente inmadurada
Capitulo extracto del libro la destructividad en el niño y el adolescente, Herder, 2004.
Destructividad por la personalidad actualmente psicotica, prepsicotica o autista
. Capitulo extracto del libro la destructividad en el niño y el adolescente, Herder, 2004.